Team Recruitment

Looking to hire a team? Our team recruitment solutions help companies scale quickly to meet growing business demands.

Product launches, restructuring, expansion, or even relocation often require a new team of dedicated financial talent to successfully execute strategy. The task of filling the positions becomes much more complex and requires the right search partner with the correct finesse.

When to Consider Team or Project Recruitment

Human capital needs can escalate quickly. Our team recruitment solutions help companies scale quickly to meet growing business demands in different situations:

Product launches

New products or services that have pressing timelines


An urgent need for human capital to cover growth in existing locations or fill positions in new areas


New directions are uncovered and pursued, or a key stakeholder leaves and others follow


The market shifts or opportunities arise in new locations where there is a demand for new talent with different skills and expertise

Human Capital Capabilities

Building a team requires finesse and momentum. We understand that time and resources are limited and you may not have the talent pool to expedite team recruitment. We scour global financial markets for a team of peers, new departments, leadership, or board-level hires


Our talent pool is laser-focused, specializing in financial services. When you partner with us you are not just getting access to every person out there who might be a fit. You are getting a team of A players with the skills you need to execute your strategy.

Our Recruitment Solutions

We provide access to top tier candidates for permanent roles. Our recent projects include: